This September Sagmeister Inc. participated in Droog Event 2: Urban Play. A public art installation consistinh of 250.000 eurocents placed on the floor, covering more than 300sqm on a square in Amsterdam. The coins spelled out “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better”. The piece is part of the series “Things I have learned in my life so far” the newest book by Stefan Sagmeister.
About the sentence is - Stefan Sagmeister's own words:
"I rarely obsess about things in my private life. I fail to care about the right shade of green for the couch, the sexual secrets of an ex-lover or the correct temperature of the meeting room AC. I don’t think I miss much.
However, I do obsess over our work and think that a number of our better projects came out of such an obsession. Doodling obsessively onto a poster depicting a headless chicken and an obsession with white angry monkeys that ultimately led to the giant inflatable animals all over Scotland are just two such examples.
From Bernd and Hilda Becher’s obsessive need to record every water tower to On Kawara’s date paintings and James Turrell’s Roden Crater, obsessions seem to be an important ingredient in the work of many of our favorite contemporary artists.
Obsessions make my Life worse and my Work better.*
*”Think dangerously, act safely” is a close relative - possibly its uncle -from my mentor Tibor Kalman.
- Stefan Sagmeister
The design is created using four different shades of pennies. Sorted by color, then laid out on tiles. Set it and forget it! Check out links below to see what happened. Very Cool.