(above image from: San Antonio Express News Website; Gardening Section 2004)
"Because even in the thick of it, when burdens clog the mind, and stress rattles the heart, life succeeds at handing you a new beginning each and every day. And that’s what the best of friends will tell you. Always, rely on the sure thing and bask in its magnificence. That the daylight will always break, the beams of light will radiate the sky, and along with the beauty of nature’s cycle comes the glorious reaffirmation of promise and hope."
** not sure where that came from, I had sent it to myself awhile ago. Seems like a nice thought for a very cold Monday morning. I have always liked Sundays and Mondays. Sundays are an opportunity to prepare/ set yourself up for success and Mondays are like a fresh start that you can always count on. I like the consistency, like if it was a race or a competition I just have to get to the next one. No matter how stressed, sad, broke, heavy or empty I feel from time to time - there always comes a moment when I know that I can get there. And before I know it, it is Monday. I start all over, recommit, refocus, reprioritize, gather all the strength that I need to trek through life and work with a clear mind.
And just go on...